Thursday, December 20, 2012

Quick and easy: Installing Open Nebula 3.8 in CentOS 6.3

Hi again!
In September I tried to install OpenNebula 3.6 using source files as I couldn’t find rpm packages for CentOS but maybe I wasn’t clever enough because according to OpenNebula web page you can download packages for the latest release. Installing from source was easy (let me know if you want me to write a post about the steps I followed) but if you have rpm packages you can have OpenNebula running in five minutes. Enough chat, back to work!

  1. You’ll have to download OpenNebula rpm packages. Go to fill the form and don’t forget to select OpenNebula 3.8.X Centos 6.3 tarball under Software Component.
  2. You’ll need to enable EPEL repository on your system. If you don’t know how to do that, download the following rpm and install it:
  3. With root privileges download the following packages required by OpenNebula (remember, you need EPEL repository!). Note: As I installed OpenNebula 3.6 previously in my system it’s possible that I downloaded some required packages that are not listed in the following yum command, please let me know if you have any problem so I can update this post with your help.
    1yum install ruby rubygems rubygem-nokogiri rubygem-json rubygem-rack rubygem-sequel rubygem-sinatra rubygem-sqlite3-ruby rubygem-thin rubygem-uuidtools
  4. Untar the OpenNebula file and install the packages (I’ve only installed openebula and opennebula-sunstone packages).
    1tar xvfz CentOS-6.3-opennebula-3.8.1.tar.gz
    2cd opennebula-3.8.1
    3rpm -Uvh opennebula-3.8.1-1.x86_64.rpm
    4rpm -Uvh opennebula-sunstone-3.8.1-1.x86_64.rpm
  5. Ok. Everything is ready. OpenNebula created the oneadmin user (home directory: /var/lib/one) and installed /etc/init.d scripts (thanks OpenNebula guys!) so it’s easy to start and stop the daemons. Let’s start the OpenNebula service as root
    1# service opennebula start
    2Starting OpenNebula daemon: [ OK ]
    And now let’s check if opennebula is ready to have fun. Warning: If you run the following command as root, the following message will be shown “ONE_AUTH file not present” (there’s no authentication file with OpenNebula credentiales in your home directory), so please use your new oneadmin account to manage OpenNebula.
    1# su oneadmin
    2[oneadmin@server ~]$ onevm list
    If you see ID, USER, GROUP… after running the onevm list command, everything looks fine. In a few days I’ll post about OpenNebula configuration and some interesting commands. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. hi..after installing EPEL packages, am trying to untar opennebula 3.8.1 tarball on centos 6.3 but am getting error:unable to open such file or directory exists. pls help
